An established, globally utilized energy source has been alleged by some to be the latest scourge unleashed upon the Earth. This energy source has been alleged to cause a wide-ranging variety of symptoms, including, among others, headaches, nausea, nosebleeds, various cancers, ADHD, alcoholism, autism, neurological and cognitive deficits, epilepsy, infertility, heart disease, kidney damage, suicide, painful urination, and genetic deformities in livestock. In fact, a compendium produced by an Australian public health scienist, Simon Chapman, lists over 200 maladies that have been attributed to this energy source. Some have suggested that the effects of this energy source could be downright apocolyptic. An October 2012 submission by the Tharpaland International Retreat Centre in Scotland to an Australian Senate Committee suggested that it could lead to:
A decline in standards throughout the educational system, due to a degeneration of learning ability, which depends upon the ability to develop concentration. The main economic sector within the Scottish economy – tourism - could be wiped out.
What on Earth is this energy source creating such dreadful pain and suffering you may ask? Is it exposure to nuclear radiation? Exposure to oil and gas fumes? The alleged environmental impact of fracking? The answer is none of the above. No, the destruction of life as we know it here on Earth will not be caused by any of the above. Rather it will, according to some, result from "wind turbine syndrome." Yes, you read that correctly. Some have suggested that the maladies discussed above and many others could be caused by sub-audible sound, also known as infra sound. Again, you read that correctly. Some have claimed that sound generated from wind turbines, which one cannot actually hear, causes such maladies as cancer, infertility and epilepsy.
Much to no one's surprise, the claims of outrageous health impacts from wind turbines have been questioned. Scientists have suggested that complaints of health effects from wind turbines may be largely driven by media coverage of the alleged dangers of wind turbines. This phenomenon is known as the nocebo effect, in which people believe they are expereincing negative effects from a harmless instrumentaility based upon their preconceived expectations of how the instrumentality will affect them, which are formed from information they have been previously provided. In other words, many of the symptoms reportedly "suffered" by "victims" of wind turbine syndrome are likely driven by the power of suggestion. Accordingly, it shouldn't be long until we are all inundated with commercials by large national plaintiffs' law firms "suggesting" that prospective winners of the lawsuit lottery may suffer from this devastating affliction. Stay tuned!